In 2019, Team Better Block partnered with AARP to develop the Pop-Up Placemaking Tool Kit, a free publication that shares tools, techniques, and lessons learned from the pop-up placemaking demonstrations led by Team Better Block that have taken place across the country. Partnering with AARP has been a valuable collaboration that has led to placemaking projects that cater to a wider audience of public space users, and has given more communities the opportunity to test pop-up placemaking techniques through AARP grant funding and workshops. Click the link below to download, read, and share the tool kit with your network to kickstart placemaking demonstrations in your own community!
Team Better Block has developed a series of recipes to help jump-start Better Block Projects around the world. To gain access to our recipe library, click the link below and agree to our Code of Safe Practices. Never hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have at