In April 2018, the City of Fort Worth kicked off a capital improvement project in the southeast neighborhood of Ash Crescent. Located just 12 minutes away from downtown by bicycle, the neglected and under-served area of the city was getting a shot of revitalization for much needed improvements to lighting, sidewalks, police and code enforcement, literacy awareness and other outreach programs the city has to offer its citizens. As part of this effort, Team Better Block was invited to initiate it’s trademark Better Block process to further engage the residents, businesses and other stakeholders in demonstrating a vision for a public, neighborhood gathering space that everyone embraces as their own. Led by Councilwoman Kelly Allen Gray, a series of community meetings were held to invite neighbors to engage in the process. On June 2nd at a Mayor’s Townhall event and festival, over 200 residents saw the sweat of their neighbors’ vision become reality in the form of a family plaza and limitless lane demonstrations.